We are delighted to support the exhibition ‘Le Bleu des mers’ by the Baur Fondation in Geneva with the loan of six still lifes from 17th century northern schools. This audacious project was devised as a cross-cultural dialogue between the Foundation’s china collections from China, combined with exceptional objects: still lifes, copies of ceramics in Persian pottery and miniatures from the Muslim world. The way the works are displayed questions the relationships between the Far East, Asia and Europe through a series of correlations. This is one of Geneva’s hidden treasures: the extraordinary museum founded by Alfred Baur (1865-1951) from Zurich, a remarkable collector and unfailing enthusiast of Far Eastern arts.
Perhaps Geneva is a new stop on the passage to India?

‘Banketje’ with ‘kraak’ china bowls, containing raspberries and brambles, flowers in a bronze vase, chaffinch and butterfly
Copper16.4 x 21.9 cm
Museum of Far Eastern Art
8 rue Munier-Romilly 1206 Geneva – Switzerland